Sleeping Giant Provides...
We provide a range of services and support that strengthen the skills, abilities and confidence of people, community groups and organisations to take effective action and leading roles in the development of their communities.
Much of our work involves projects and commissions centred around 4 strategic themes: organisational capacity building; participation and engagement; inclusion, equality and fairness; and employability and skills building.
Online / Hybrid Support Programme
To build skills, abilities and confidence of board members, staff, volunteers and activists within our target groups, our Online / Hybrid Support Programme includes the development and sharing of good practice resources, as well as regular opportunities for peer support and learning; core skills training; and mentoring support. The wellbeing and resilience of staff, volunteers and activists cross-cuts all of this work.
Community, Capacity, Connection Events
Embedded in communities of place, or targeted at communities of interest, our conference-style Community, Capacity, Connection Events deliver face to face opportunities for practitioners, volunteers and activists to create connections with each other, and access ‘bite-size’ versions of our Building Blocks of Support in engaging and creative ways.
Much of our work involves projects and commissions centred around 4 strategic themes: organisational capacity building; participation and engagement; inclusion, equality and fairness; and employability and skills building.
Online / Hybrid Support Programme
To build skills, abilities and confidence of board members, staff, volunteers and activists within our target groups, our Online / Hybrid Support Programme includes the development and sharing of good practice resources, as well as regular opportunities for peer support and learning; core skills training; and mentoring support. The wellbeing and resilience of staff, volunteers and activists cross-cuts all of this work.
Community, Capacity, Connection Events
Embedded in communities of place, or targeted at communities of interest, our conference-style Community, Capacity, Connection Events deliver face to face opportunities for practitioners, volunteers and activists to create connections with each other, and access ‘bite-size’ versions of our Building Blocks of Support in engaging and creative ways.
Professional DEVELOPMENT & TRAININGWe have significant knowledge and experience which we share through our high-quality training, using a variety of different approaches designed to meet your needs. As part of this professional development offering, we can also offer external supervision and mentoring for staff and key volunteers.
PLANNINGWhether your organisation has just been set up, needs a ‘strategic refresh’ or needs help to plan an event, we can help you take some time out to plan for the future direction of your business, charity or project.
POLICY AND SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENTWe have significant experience in developing a range of tools, systems, structures and policies for community-focused organisations, including volunteer systems, youth work processes and monitoring systems, as well as policies relating to young people, volunteering and equality.
CONSULTATION, ENGAGEMENT AND EVALUATIONWe can deliver robust, creative, and engaging consultation review and evaluation activities designed to help you evidence your impact and to plan future work based on the needs of your stakeholders.
PROJECT SUPPORTWe run strategic projects, often in partnership with other organisations, and can advise you in delivery of a wide range of events, groups and projects which may focus on engaging with young people and others who may face barriers.
VOLUNTEERING AND PARTICIPATIONWe support the principles of high-quality volunteering, participation, and community engagement, and can support you to build these principles into your own work. We can also offer time-limited support for your organisation to deliver key aspects of your volunteer programme.